Cast Sombori!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Snow White

It has come to our attention that a certain former Prince of Gidi (politician pikin) has been operating at diminished capacity due to the influence of Columbian Marching Powder. Our friend, “Ashiwaju Jr.” has been known to be a bit of a party boy-- is this the next level?

Rock Boys

Some Jand Based Bad Gois decided that the best thing to do with their money was to throw a party in an oyinbo strip club (Portsmouth).
Then they will be paying tithe on sunday. Only God can help you people.


Mr. Lekan Kamson is a funny dude. But the guy is a little bit too random at times. . . . so Gidi Gist has come to the rescue! Here are some things to note:
1. We Never publish names of casters.
2. We get our info from you guys, so start volunteering.
3. Don't believe everything you hear.
4. Allowing "Friends of Friends" to see your pictures was a dumb move men.
5. Stop fronting. U know u watch gossip girl so u know how this works--
i. U see a scandalous something
ii. U snap that scandalous something
iii. U send us the gist
iv. That is all.
All glory to God!!!